About Inclusion Hub
Welcome to the GIVE – Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence project’s Inclusion Hub platform. Our aim is to build a common understanding of an inclusive living environment. Here you can find the GIVE project’s Mobility Marketplace platform and Community of Practice platform – and an entrance to “meeting room”.
Feel free to participate!
The project GIVE (Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence) aims at designing and developing a European Platform of Centres of Excellence devoted to innovating VET sector for the social inclusion of individuals belonging to disadvantaged groups.
Community of Practice Platform
Welcome to the G.I.V.E. Community of Practice, an open virtual place to discuss about inclusive excellence in Vocational Education and Training and share how it could become a reality.
The community is open to all practitioners working in education and professional training who are interested in the topic of inclusion, aiming to enhance their skills and acquire new tools: teachers, trainers, tutors, mentors, career guidance experts, managers, company representatives.
The Community has, at its core, the “G.I.V.E. Model”, result of the cooperative work of an international partnership made of VET centers, Universities and Companies, I the framework of the Erasmus+ Center of Vocational Excellence “Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence”. The “G.I.V.E. Model” is an integrated set of practices aimed at promoting inclusion Vocational Education and Training through practical approach, providing VET practitioners and Managers with practical and operational tools specifically aimed at acquiring an inclusive mindset and facilitating the inclusion of learners facing specific disadvantages:
- A migration background
- Disabilities
- Low skills and obsolete qualifications
- A drop-out history
- Special learning needs
- Difficult socio-economic background
We invite all VET and education practitioners or managers who want to enrich their skill-set to plan and implement their professional activities and transform their organization in a truly inclusive way, to join our Community and get inspired by sharing our practices.